Glycemic Index Chart

The Glycemic Index measures the effect of a food on your blood pressure - and knowing a food's GI is can be quite useful to those who are dieting in order to fight off Candida, watch their blood pressure or to those who suffer from diabetes.

Note: when you cook food, the starch levels go down, but the sugar levels go way up! It's generally better to eat your veggies raw.

These are all acceptable by the third phase of the Anti-Candida Diet, but use discretion and avoid things that taste sweet to you during the earlier stages!
For comparison:

Coca Cola:     58
Mars Bar:       65
Jelly Beans:   78

(Low GI is equal to or less than about 35. Medium is up to 60.)

Apples, green:   34
Apple Juice:      40 (only applies to 100%)
Apricots, dry:    31
Artichoke:         15
Asparagus:        14

Banana:             55
Barley, pearl:    25
Beets:                64
Bell Peppers:    10 - 30, depending
Broccoli:           10
Brown Rice:     50
Brussel Sprouts:16

Cabbage:            10
Cantaloupe:       65
Carrots, Boiled:  49
Carrots, Raw:     16
Cashews, raw:    22
Cauliflower:       15
Celery:                15
Cherries, raw:     22
Cocoa:                20
Coconut:             45

Eggplant:            15

Grapefruit:          25
Grapefruit juice: 48
Grapes, green:     46
Green Beans:      15

Lentils, canned:   52
Lentils, green:     30
Lentils, red:        21
Lettuce:              10 (usually)

Kidney beans:    52
Kiwi:                  47- 52

Navy beans:       31

Oat Bran, raw:    50
Oat Bran, cooked: 60 (roughly)
Onion:               10
Oranges:           40

Peaches:            28
Pears:                37
Peas:                 48
Pineapple:         66
Plums:               24
Potatoes:           80
Popcorn:           55
Pumpkin:          75

Raisins:              64

Tomatoes:          15

Sorghum:          55 (roughly)
Strawberries:     40

Walnuts:           15
Watermelon:     72

Yams, cooked: 60- 70
Yams, raw:      35

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