Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Detox Sweet Tea


This is really easy to do and very good for you, particularly if you are on any kind of a cleansing diet (as I am)! Just read the steps below and have a blast!
1. Make hot tea.
Preferably in a large measuring cup - I would say about 4 cups of boiled water and 3 to 5 tea bags - depending on the strength of the tea that you want. I recommend using green, rooibos, mint or ginger tea (maybe even a mix). Let your tea steep for about ten minutes - keep in mind, over-steeped green tea becomes quite bitter!
2. Add lemon juice.
FRESH (if possible) - either juice from one large lemon or two smaller ones. Mix it in with the hot tea.
3. Flavor it.
Add any mix of the following that you want to include:
Fresh ginger, chopped
Fresh mint leaves
Fresh or frozen raspberries
Other low GI berries
Xylitol (1- 3 Tbs.) or other sweetener
Green apple juice (without sugar or additives)
4. Cool it.
After you've let your mixture steep for a few more minutes, pour it into your bottle or pitcher over about 4 cups of water and 1 cup of ice. If you're doing this in a capped bottle, pick it up and shake it a little! If you're using a pitcher, stir it all up with a spoon ... afterwards, remove the tea bags and anything else left in your water.
I kept my tea pretty simple this time ... rooibos, lemon, and xylitol, but it tasted great and made me feel good too!

NOTE: this is really good if the cold water is traded for a bottle or two of sparkling water! In stead of adding ice, add the bottle directly to the freezer and chill it for an hour or two (so that the mixture isn't diluted anymore by the ice).
After you've let the tea cool for a while, enjoy it!
If you are just beginning a detox or cleansing diet, take it easy - you can detox too quickly. I know very well (from experience) that that is very uncomfortable! On the other hand, if you've been eating well for a long time and already feel strong and established in your eating habits/ life style, drink away! This is incredibly good for you.